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Something for everyone at Mount Hot Pools and Massage

Don’t have time for a full weekend retreat?

Looking for something to do that the whole family will love?

Mount Hot Pools and Massage is the ultimate short-term health and wellbeing retreat and fun place for the whole family to visit.

Time to experience one of Mount Maunganui’s most popular attractions.

Situated at the base of the mighty and stunning Mauao; Mount Hot Pools is the place to go for a relaxing soak, swim and more. As you lie back and gaze up to the mighty Mauao you’re surrounded by stunning nature, the shortest route to serenity and peace.

Listen to the harmonic native tuis who treat your ears to beautiful birdsong as you let go of all that harmful stress and pressure. You don’t need all that damaging cortisol so practice a little mindfulness because the ripple effect of relaxation leads to sharper focus, greater compassion, more energy, deeper sleep and more.

Here’s a few fun facts about the iconic Mount Hot pools.

  • There are 5 hot pools at Mount Hot pools to suit everyone; from the serious hot pool enthusiasts to those who are there to switch off in privacy and enjoy some space and tranquility.
  • Spa Pool 39.3%
  • Relaxation Pool 38.8%
  • Hydrotherapy Pool 31.2%
  • Children’s Pool 31.4% - the kids absolutely love this pool and the fun they have uses up loads of energy too!
  • Private Spas 39.3%
  • Mount Hot Pools are heated salt water; so, a soak at the Mount Hot Pools not only feels amazing, it's super-healing and full of health benefits; releasing all those aching muscles and joints, helps with circulation and boosts your immune system. Finish off with a therapeutic massage and you’ll be completely rejuvenated from top to toe. You’ll not only feel physically better, but you’ll also feel mentally better as well
  • Whether you're on holiday or if you live around here; booking a massage should be on the wish list when you visit Mount Hot Pools. Constant emails, to-do lists that seem to increase every day, we need to book in important time-outs where we can just stop, recharge, and enjoy a sense of calm. Health and wellbeing should be a top priority and massage helps the mind switch off from the constant “chatter”, eases those pressure points and aches and strains; helping you unwind and relax.

Things To Do in Tauranga get to hear every day how awesome Mount Hot Pools are; from relieved mums and dads who bring the kids for a splash and play right through to visitors who arrive needing a place to go and unwind; there’s something here for everyone.

By the way, if the locals love it that speaks volumes and if you’re looking for a real Mountie experience; Things to Do in Tauranga highly recommend booking in at the campground next door. You can choose from camping or staying in one of their beachside units as you stay and play in the Bay.